Project Fee Calculation Worksheet



Project Fee
Calculation Worksheet

The Project Fee Calculation Worksheet was designed to help the Project Manager or the Project Management Team assemble an accurate project fee estimate. The Project Fee Calculation Worksheet allows the Project Manager to manipulate multiple variables associated with any given project to arrive at the project fee estimate.

Project fee, in most cases, is the driving force behind every design and construction project. Project fee determines:

  • What the building looks like – size, shape, structure, building materials, air conditioning and heating systems, lighting, landscaping, etc.
  • How much time the design professionals can devote to the project
  • How many design professionals will need to be allocated to the project and for how long
  • How much time and how many trips the design team can make to the project site
  • How much profit each participant is going to realize at the end of the project

Project fee is one of the most important aspects of any design or construction project and is best calculated using a standardized system and a tool like this worksheet. The principle in charge and the project manager must estimate accurately to be awarded as many projects as the firm is capable of completing without pricing themselves out of the market. The Project Fee Calculation Worksheet is the tool you need to arrive at the best estimate possible.

In determining the project fee design professionals should charge involves many factors. Some of the more identifiable, specific information needed is:

  • Scope of the project
  • Time duration for the design
  • Size of the project
  • Building systems
  • Overall construction budget
  • Additional training or equipment that must be acquired before or during design

Additionally, there are issues that must be accounted for that can sometimes be sensitive in nature, such as:

  • Past relationships with the Architect of Record, Owner, or Contractor – if known before design is started.
  • Ease of working with other consultants and building officials in the jurisdiction where the project is to be constructed.
  • Experience and abilities of in-house design professionals.
  • Potential for designing the project at a reduced fee for some future benefit such as good-will, additional projects, or publicity.

There are numerous ways to arrive at a project fee that will satisfy most of the above stated issues. By utilizing the Project Fee Calculation Worksheet, a more consistent and accurate fee can be estimated.

You can see an example fee calculation HERE.

(For a limited capability, FREE version refer to
Project Fee Calculation Worksheet)

Project Fee Calculation Worksheet

Project Management Institute